Analysis Of Nike”s Advertisement “Dream Crazier”

Everybody has seen advertisements. We all have different opinions on what we see. Advertising is the most popular way for some people to learn about a new product. Corporations and firms inform their customers about new products. Advertisements can be misleading to some, but they also contain great messages. Have you considered fairness in the relationship between men and woman? In today’s world, women are capable of doing anything that men can. Women are not considered to be equals in sports. Nike created an advertisement to show that women can do any sport.

The ad uses emotional appeal to encourage women to be themselves and do what they want. The emotional appeal of the ad encourages all women to embrace their own uniqueness and pursue what they enjoy. Nike, the leading apparel company, has an excellent advertisement. The commercial video was uploaded to YouTube in 2019. This commercial demonstrated the energy of women. After a race, a cyclist wept and a tennis star wiped away a tear. A voice-over is heard in the background saying that “if you show emotion, you’re considered dramatic”. This shows that women feel their emotions when they win or lose their games. This advertisement uses a soft melody and a voice to describe the emotions of women athletes. The next scene shows the girl playing on the defensive side of football. She was playing against boys. She felt depressed when she attempted to tackle a player on the offensive side.

In the background, a voice says: “If you want to play with men, you’re crazy.” The girl in the advertisement was able to stop the boy. She showed that she could do it. Megan Rapinoe is not shown in the video. Rapinoe, while her teammates sang the national anthem with their hands on their hearts, stared straight ahead and kept her lips still. The voice behind Rapinoe said, ‘And we are delusional if dream equal opportunity.’

Megan is a feminist who hasn’t participated in the national anthem for over a year. Nike chose Megan as an icon to demonstrate that women are entitled to the same rights as men. This opening scene shows that women suffered for the injustice and their fights to defend their rights. The referee was involved in the argument between the tennis player and the player of basketball. Voice in the back: “When our stand for anything, we are deranged”. The players were trying to convince the official but no-one listened. They feel really helpless. A woman finished the race in first place. It was said that if we were too good then there must be something wrong. The outside can make people think they are hysterical or irrational. In these scenes, their appearance was all that mattered. Women became angry when they felt others had not treated them fairly.

Women will always stand up to their righteousness, no matter what. A woman began to run a full marathon when suddenly, a soundtrack of energetic music started playing. She escaped the officials and continued running. She wore white tee-shirts with the words “And the women?”. The question mark was her way of telling the audience: “So how about the women?” They should have the same opportunity to play sports as men. You can see a woman boxing or dunking in the NBA, or coaching a team. Women showed the world that they can do anything men can do in sports. Three short sentences and the music playing in the background follow each other: ‘A Woman Boxing Was Crazy’. The advertisement states: ‘A woman was boxing crazy’ and ‘Coaching the NBA Team, crazy’. Three sentences were cleverly placed in the advertisement. This is pathos. The ad appealed to the emotions of the audience in order to persuade them and to make the audience realize what women can do. The advertisement showed the power and strength of women in the same manner. Scenes began with a female competitor in a hajib, followed shortly by a swimming woman and a second woman performing a triple cork 1080. Selena William, in the scene after that, is seen serving the tennis ball. In the background there’s a voice saying: “Winning Twenty-three Grand Slams. Having a Baby. And then Coming Back for More”.

A woman scored in soccer. A girl dribbled with both hands. All of them are crazy. The audience was impacted by a combination of the strong, incremental songs and examples of how women performed. The background music was ‘crazy .’ It was connected to the factors mentioned above. Show them how crazy you can be. These scenes were created to show the audience that women can do sports as well as men, or better. It was the phrase “It is only crazy until it happens” that ended the advertisement. Do it. This sentence encouraged women to do what they wanted and believed in. Nike sent a strong message in this advertisement to encourage women to be themselves and to do what they believe. This advertisement successfully used pathos in order to create a strong emotional response and convince all types of audiences.

The iniquity of women in sport was an enormous problem. This is because there’s still a lack of understanding about women and their abilities. Sports are a source of entertainment, happiness and relaxation from the everyday. We must focus on their sports talent instead of their sexuality in order to ensure that female athletes get positive effects. Nike has produced an excellent advertisement on gender equality in sport. Nike has done a wonderful job in promoting gender equality.


  • jaycunningham

    Jay Cunningham is a 36-year-old educational blogger and professor. He has written for various publications and online platforms, focusing on topics such as teaching and learning, assessment, and higher education. He has also served as an adjunct professor at several universities.